Stealing a scene Kieslowski and James Gray
It starts one evening last week with a click on one of my favorite links: dailymotion page of images Forum. I click Most viewed and I found the Master Class by James Gray. A director I admire especially, especially for a film: The Yards .
must look at the passage in the first 10 minutes in which Pascal Mérigeau - which really raises great questions - ask him if we could not say that the first scene of The Yards is completely copied La Bete Humaine Jean Renoir.
" But of course it is completely borrowed, stolen and even the human animal. "JG replied." But that does not bother me elsewhere. I think it flies even if one has not the intention. I am concerned no such things, of the original, non original, borrowing, I tell myself that if I put myself in the film, I'm the only one, and there will only my voice we hear in the end. "
(French version here )
Yesterday evening, I am looking at a book at the library, the cinema department. cinema and I , collection interviews with Kieslowski. And there:
"I do not think that stealing is wrong. If someone has experienced a fruitful journey, do not hesitate to venture there to take him some ideas. If the song that I fly in a good movie then operates as part of my own universe, I do it without hesitation. Sometimes, quite unconsciously. But this does not mean that there was no flight, that nothing happened. It happened something, but without premeditation or calculation. This is not a simple imitation. To speak seriously, the films are simply part of our world. We we wake up in the morning to work or we do nothing. We go to bed. We make love. We hate. We watch movies. We are discussing with our friends, our family. We care about the problems of our children or our children's friends. The films are part of our lives. They reflect us. And in so doing, they become a part of ourselves, our universe. They remain in us as the events we have actually experienced. I also think that films do not differ radically from the facts, if they are invented. But it did not matter much. By participating in our minds, they belong to us. Meting of sequences, scenes and ideas in films the same way that I fly stories real people, and soon forget to whom they belonged. "
I began to wonder if it was normal that I construct my scripts in my inspiration at times bits of scenes drawn from all the movies I've seen so far. I now have the answer.
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